Sunday, January 11, 2015

Progress Report January 11, 2015

So...checking in with how it's going so far this year.

I got a pretty good start over my winter vacation on German and Danish, but with work starting in full force last week I'm finding that I have less time for...well...everything. As an example, I started writing this post he first Saturday of January, and it's been over a week already. Sigh.


I'm only up to 1577 words on Lingvist, nowhere near where I wanted to be (3000) by the end of break. I took the Duolingo progress test, and I'm only 2.41 out of 5. For a year's worth of study in a language, doesn't seem like much. Probably doesn't help that I've focused more on my passive skills and aiming for general comprehension rather than specific skills. Haven't touched Le Luth Brisè at all...

I was getting 20+ points of review in on Duolingo every day, but this wasn't enough to keep the tree golden. I've bumped it up to 40, but I may need to just spend an entire day or two of concentrated review to get it all golden again.


Level 5 in Duolingo. With Duolingo, Memrise, and Headstart, I feel like I'm getting a solid enough base. I watch Extra and Easy German videos, and I'm recognizing vocabulary that I've learned in the other places, up to and including when I was a kid and we'd use "Badezimmer" for "bathroom." I'm going to try to do 1 Duolingo lesson and 5 Memrise items, minimum, per day.


I've done some work on Duolingo (Level 3) and Memrise. I've checked out a few other sites, including Antosch & Lin and a site with podcasts (Copenhagen Cast). The podcast site requires a registration for full access, but it seems like it will be useful. I'm going to try to do 1 Duolingo lesson and 5 Memrise items, minimum, per day.

At this point, I'm probably still putting more time into French than others, because I can understand a lot more when listening to radio programs or music, which I do at work.  I am still unsure how to best divvy up my time between German and Danish, as I don't like alternating them on a daily basis, but doing both of them  at the same time is certainly hindering my retention of both. I'm not mixing words up per say, but I'm having problems remembering them, period. Certainly shaping up to be a challenging year.

And since this is just an update post, I'm going to pass translating it into French this time. I'm hoping to get out a post in the next week on why I picked French in the first place, and that one will be translated.

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